The Leadership Certificate Program is a rigorous program that will provide opportunities to not only explore the roles of leaders in contemporary organizations but also provide participants with significant opportunities to enhance and develop their own leadership skill set. Each session in the program will engage participants in learning and developmental activities related to leadership. Content in each session will be in-depth and will require participants to engage fully in order to benefit from the program.
For more information about the program, including session descriptions, click here.
Registration is open to anyone with an interest in understanding leadership more fully and in developing his/her leadership skills. However, participants with at least 3-5 years of managerial/supervisory experience will likely benefit most from this program. The ideal candidate would be in early middle-management roles with an interest in developing more advanced leadership competencies.
Registration fees for the program are $725. Fees for Illinois State Alumni and graduates of both Leadership McLean County and the Multicultural Leadership program are $650 ($100 discount). Registration fees cover all elements of the program, including all materials.
For more information about the programs offered by OLI, contact the Institute at
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