Outreach, Diversity Initiatives, and Educational Programs
Programs for high school guidance counselors and career advisors.
McLean County Compact
The McLean County Community Compact, through a coalition of business, education, community and government offers support to our school-age youth to help them become self-sufficient, contributing citizens. The Compact facilitates the preparation of school-age youth for a more effective transition from formal schooling to the world of work. Since 1989, over 150 community leaders have collaborated to strengthen the transition of young people from school to the world of work.
These leaders in conjunction with hundreds of volunteers commit their support and participate in several projects to improve academic preparation and career readiness. Compact members initiate projects that bring together business, schools, government and community agencies. Each project is designed to spark cooperative efforts, develop on-going partnerships and create unique career exploration opportunities for our youth.
Sixth Grade Business/Education Partnership
The Sixth Grade Business / Education Partnership introduces students to the world of work by coordinating the adoption of every sixth grade class in McLean County by a business partner of the McLean County Community Compact. Over 2200 students in sixty-four sixth grade classrooms are offered this opportunity. The program is now entering its 22nd year.
In the classroom, each business emphasizes hands-on activities, career opportunities within the business, and training necessary to succeed in that business and other businesses. Each Sixth Grade Business / Education Partnership is established by an initial meeting with the business, the school principal, and teacher(s). Five to six class meetings are set up at that time to describe in detail to the students how they would apply the education they are now receiving to a job with this business. Different elements of the business are explored such as hiring procedures, advertising, production, management, financial needs, responsibilities, and teamwork.
Students are exposed to real world applications of their work in the classroom and are shown the specific career path leading to their area of expressed interest within the business. Thus, they have a much better understanding of why a solid educational background is important to all employees entering the labor force in the future at any level of employment.
It is the goal of the Sixth Grade Business / Education Partnership Committee to make this learning opportunity fun for the teachers, students, administrators, and employees who participate. The business leaves the school with the entire group of participants more informed regarding their particular business and knowledge of employment expectations for the workers within it.
Katie School of Insurance/COB Role
The Katie School of Insurance was asked by COUNTRY Financial, to succeed them in their role with McLean County Compact in teaching 6th graders about insurance. In 2011, the school selected to work with the Katie School was Chiddix Jr. High School. The Katie School will provide instruction on March 18, April 1, and April 8, and April 15 at the school. Lessons and instructions for the classes will be a joint effort of the insurance students and the COB Business Education students. A team of 4 (2 insurance and 2 business ed students) will present each week. The students will present on the topics of math, science, English, and social sciences, as they related to insurance.
On April 29th, the students will take a field trip to ISU's College of Business. The trip will culminate with cake and ice cream in the College courtyard. COUNTRY Financial will provide financial support for all materials and the celebration party at the end. COUNTRY Financial will also provide technical support on lessons plans.
Midwest High School Scholars Analytics Academy for Underrepresented Groups Presentations
The purpose of MHSSAA week-long summer camp is to increase recruitment and retention of students from historically marginalized groups (e.g., students of color, Pell-eligible or low-income students, first-generation college students, etc.) interested in careers in actuarial science, analytics, and insurance. This program is FREE to students. Meals and lodging are paid for by corporate sponsors.
Visit the MHSSAA facebook homepage2022 MHSSAA Program Dates
Sunday - July 10 through Friday July 15, 2022
2022 Special Features
- Hear insurance, analysts, and actuaries explain what they do
- Talk to professionals about career and job opportunities in analytics
- Learn about Illinois State University
- Learn more about the Department of Mathematics
- Learn more about the Actuarial Science Program
- Learn more about the Katie School of Insurance and Risk Management
Special scholarship opportunities available in Illinois State University’s Actuarial Program and Risk Management and Insurance Program.
The Midwest High School Scholars Analytics Academy for Underrepresented Groups provides, at no cost, on campus room and board, field trips, and career information materials for selected students to attend the program for the week.
Each student also receives a $100 stipend to cover transportation and incidental expenses.
Application Procedures
Enrollment is limited to 20 students. Completed applications, including a letter of recommendation from the student’s mathematics, business, or computer science teacher or principal and a grade transcript, must be submitted, to be considered for a scholarship to the program.
Preference will be given to students who excel in mathematics, enjoy being intellectually challenged, and receive a lot of satisfaction out of applying their analytical skills to solve problems. Please apply by June 17, 2022
Apply for MHSSAA
For more information, email us or contact us at (309) 438-7797
Redbird Risk Management Challenge
llinois State University invites the best that the Midwest has to offer to compete in a week long risk management challenge held at the Katie School of Insurance on the ISU campus from July 17—22, 2022.
You and your teammates assume the roles of senior risk management professionals and are asked to guide your corporation through a minefield of potential disasters. Losses may occur without notice and may cripple your corporation’s ability to carry on operations. The only alternative to bankruptcy is for your team to correctly assess the impact of these perils and implement superior risk management strategies that ensure success. Student teams compete against one another in developing the best risk management strategies. The winning team is determined by which corporation generates the most profit by the end of the week. The experience is challenging and will require all competitors to perform at the top of their game.
Teams must think creatively and stay resourceful to win.
We have fun too! In the evenings there are structured social activities such as bowling, mini-golf, and other competitive activities designed to build camaraderie and help earn additional revenue for your “companies”. Students stay in a dorm on the Illinois State University campus while in the program, allowing them to experience what it is like to live on a college campus. Special student guides and programming are arranged for students during the evening.
Apply for Redbird Risk Management ChallengeWe are seeking students who:
- Are entering their senior year in high school.
- Plan to attend college after graduation.
- Presently have at least a 3.2 GPA (on a 4.0scale)
- ACT Scores and Letters of Recommendations are viewed favorably but NOT required.
Selection will be based on GPA, extracurricular activities, community service, and leadership roles held by the applicant. Please complete the application by May 30, 2022 Also, a letter of recommendation from a business/consumer science teacher is required. This recommendation must confirm the student’s activities and interests in business.
Students participate in Games within the Game. Each activity provide clues on how to better man-age the risk of your company. The program culminates with a Shark Tank like presentation to a group of risk management professionals.
Parent-Student Orientation
We will host an orientation for parents and students to understand the resources available at Illinois State University. This is on Sunday - July 17, 2022.
What Does This Cost?
This program FREE. It is funded through a generous donation from State Farm Insurance Companies Foundation and the Spencer Education Foundation. While on campus for the competition, the costs of tuition, room, and meals are covered.